2023 01 08: Early Bird Deadline – Reino Keski Salmi Loppet, Track Attack Volunteers Needed, LHNS Bog Routes
Come join the fun! 39TH ANNUAL REINO KESKI-SALMI LOPPET is happening next Saturday! January 14, 2023
Today is the LAST day for Early Registration Rates. We have race categories for all ages and abilities of skiers, great prizes, swim passes to SASCU Recreation Centre and our famous Beef on a Bun, hot dogs, soups, hot beverages and cookies as the finish line!
We Need You! Larch Hills is hosting Track Attack 2023 January 28-29
Each club is asked to host a race and it is quite the undertaking! We need to fill over 100 volunteer spots so please consider pitching in a few hours to hand out refreshments at the finish line, collect chips or hand out race bibs. All ages needed. It’s a fun event to be part of.
To register for a volunteer opportunity, please visit:
If you have any questions about volunteering or the event, please contact Sarah Zuidhof at sazuidhof@gmail.com. Thanks!
Larch Lake Bogs Route map signs at “starred’ trail junctions will be posted on Monday, January 9, 2023.
Branch and obstacles hand tool cutting and some route marking will be done as time permits. Bring a folding saw along with you to help with light work along the routes as you ski. Enjoy!