
Sellers: The ‘Add’ page allows you to create an account and post ads for winter sports gear (XC, Downhill, snowboard, other). When you post your first item, if you select to create an account (this is optional, but you won’t be able to manage ads without it), an email will be sent to you to set up a password (check your junk mail folder if you don’t see it, if you still can’t find it, use the password reset link on the login page). After a password has been established, you will need to navigate back to the LHNS Buy-Sell page, where you can then post new ads or manage existing ads.

Buyers: The ‘All Listings’ page allows you to search for ads of interest to you and then get the seller’s contact information. Please consider pricing like you would at a ski swap – prices are as posted (not negotiable) unless otherwise noted in the ad. If the seller is willing to sell for less they will reduce the price on the ad. You do not need an account to see listings.

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