Make Tracks!

Larch Hills Nordic Society has many generous supporters. Last year we raised $42,700+ toward the purchase of a new machine. The club is still striving to raise the funds to make this dream come true.
With the goal of consistent, high quality grooming, Larch Hills Nordic Society is raising funds to replace our aging 2007 PB Edge with a new snow cat. With age, comes additional repairs and maintenance costs are rising.
The estimated cost of the new grooming machine is around $600, 000.
The club was unsuccessful in obtaining the BC Capital Gaming Grant in 2023. There are plans to apply to grants that may come available in 2024. With the savings we have already set aside for tracksetter replacement ($200 K) and the trade-in value of our current machine (~$65 K), we need to continue our fundraising efforts.
Should our fundraising and grant applications be successful, we would order a new machine in December 2024.
The Snowcat Details:
• PistenBully 400 or Prinoth Bison
• Vastly improved environmental efficiencies with EUROMOT IV A/TIER 4 exhaust emissions standards
• Increased operating efficiency = more trails groomed in less time
• New tiller will greatly improve grooming quality to better serve our membership
• Improved reliability with less down-time
• Reduced annual maintenance and replacement costs
Run Efficient – Run Smart – Run Clean

- Abbigail May
- George Jackson
- John Thielman
- Peter Rizzi
- Rob Hart
- William Prytula